If you’re in the process of planning a new construction project, whether it’s a residential or commercial building or apartment, you know that maintenance and repair are two essential aspects of your project. Proper maintenance can help prevent damage to your structure and save you money in the long run, while timely repairs can help minimise downtime and fix structure damages.

Do you know the difference between the material used for maintenance versus that used for repair?


Maintenance materials are typically used to prevent damage or deterioration to a structure. These materials are usually applied as a preventive measure and are meant to extend the life of the building or structure. On the other hand, repair materials are used to fix damage that has already occurred. These materials are typically used to restore the structure to its original state or to reinforce damaged areas.


It’s important to note that while maintenance materials can help prevent damage, they are not a substitute for repairs. If damage does occur, it’s important to address the issue promptly and use appropriate repair materials to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of the structure.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the key differences between construction material used for maintenance and that used for repair, and why it’s important to use both types of material.


Construction Material Used for Maintenance


Construction materials are often used to maintain the integrity of structures.




Coatings are   maintenance material that can be applied to all surfaces to protect them from damage and deterioration. Coatings serve as a formidable shield against the damaging forces of both nature and man, thwarting the harmful effects that UV rays, water, or chemicals may have on surfaces.

Coatings possess also the remarkable ability to elevate the surface’s visual appeal, imbuing it with a breathtaking aesthetic that captivates the beholder’s gaze.


Coatings come in a variety of types, each with its unique set of properties and uses. Epoxy coatings are ideal for industrial and commercial surfaces, providing a durable and glossy finish that resists moisture and chemicals. Rubberized bitumen coatings are excellent coatings as to most building substrates as they resists chemicals especially chlorides, sulphates and other ground and airborne salts. They also provide great resistance to the detrimental effects of water. Ultimately, the choice of coating depends on the specific requirements of the surface and the environmental conditions it will be exposed to.



Sealants are the unsung heroes of construction, silently working behind the scenes to prevent the intrusion of water, air, or other unwanted chemical substances. These heroes act as a first line of defence against the ravages of time and nature.


Concrete and masonry surfaces are all fair game for joint sealants, which use their unique properties to protect and avoid costly damage and deterioration over time. As an added bonus, sealants can even help to improve energy efficiency, reducing air leaks and cutting down on wasteful energy usage. Silicone sealants reign supreme in areas that are exposed to moisture, offering a resilient barrier against external elements.


Whether made from silicone or other materials available, sealants provide an essential function in construction, quietly ensuring the longevity and safety of your built environment.


Waterproofing Agents


In construction, one of the key challenges is keeping water out. That’s where waterproofing agents come in – these crucial compounds form an impenetrable barrier, preventing water from seeping into a structure and causing damage.


Waterproofing agents can be applied to a wide range of surfaces, including concrete, masonry, tiles, and wood. They’re especially critical in areas that are exposed to moisture, such as basements, roofs, and balconies. By keeping water at bay, these agents help to prevent damage, mold growth, and other problems caused by moisture intrusion.


To suit different needs and applications, waterproofing agents can be made from a range of materials, including asphalt, acrylics, and polyurethanes. They can be applied in a variety of ways, such as as a liquid, spray, or membrane, depending on the specific requirements of the project.


Thanks to waterproofing agents, we’re able to keep our structures safe and dry, no matter what nature throws our way. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation to discuss your waterproofing needs. We’ll work with you to determine the right waterproofing agent for your particular project and ensure that your structure is protected against the damaging effects of moisture.


Construction Material Used for Repair


Construction materials are often used to repair structures that have been damaged by weather, water, or accident.



Concrete Repair


Concrete is widely used in construction due to its superior strength, durability, and resilience against harsh weather conditions. However, even the most robust concrete structures are vulnerable to damage over time caused by environmental factors such as freeze-thaw cycles, water damage, chemical


exposure, and heavy traffic. These factors can cause cracks, spalling, scaling, and other structural issues that can compromise the integrity of the concrete, leading to potential safety hazards and costly repairs.


To address these issues, concrete repair materials have been developed to restore the strength and durability of damaged concrete structures. These materials include high-performance concrete mixes that are designed to bond with the existing concrete and provide enhanced durability and strength.


Cementitious repair mortar is another commonly used concrete repair material for repairing damaged concrete structures. This material is a blend of cement, sand, and other additives that are mixed with water to create a paste that can be used to fill in cracks, holes, and other surface defects in concrete.


Cementitious repair mortar is a versatile and effective repair material that is widely used in the construction industry to repair damaged concrete structures. It is a cost-effective and reliable solution for addressing surface defects, improving the structural integrity of concrete, and extending the lifespan of concrete structures.


Overall, the development of concrete repair materials has enabled contractors and engineers to extend the lifespan of concrete structures and reduce the need for costly repairs or replacement. These materials are a cost-effective and reliable solution for addressing structural damage, improving the safety and functionality of concrete structures, and ensuring their longevity.





Epoxy is the versatile material that has revolutionised the world of construction, particularly when it comes to repairing damaged structures. Its dynamic composition comprises two crucial components: a resin and a hardener. These elements blend together in a chemical reaction, producing a robust and durable bond capable of patching up cracks, holes, and spalls in concrete, masonry, wood, and metal structures.


Not just limited to repairs, epoxy’s binding prowess is so exceptional that it can even be used as a potent adhesive, securing dissimilar materials together with unmatched strength. Its resistance to moisture, chemicals, and abrasion makes it ideal for restoring industrial floors and other high-traffic areas, providing the added assurance of longevity and safety to all who rely on the structure. It’s no wonder why epoxy-based materials have become the go-to solution for modern-day construction and engineering.




Grouts are the cement-based materials used to plug up hollows and cavities found in various construction materials like concrete and masonry. Often used for repairing pesky cracks in concrete structures, they are equally useful for anchoring bolts and reinforcing steel. Cementitious grouts like precision grouts and general purpose grouts come into being by skillfully mixing cement, sand, and water, producing a robust and durable material that can withstand tremendous compressive force.


But that’s not all. Non-shrink grouts have emerged, designed to prevent shrinkage during the curing process and maintain their original volume. The absence of shrinkage is particularly essential since it ensures a perfect fit in the crevices, delivering a seamless result. Regardless of the kind of grout used, their contribution to ensuring the stability and longevity of structures cannot be overstated. These reliable materials are a testament to the ingenuity and innovation that has made construction what it is today.


Why You Need Both


What’s the role of construction materials in maintenance and repair and building resilience? Construction materials are essential components in the creation of strong and durable structures. However, as time goes on, even the most well-constructed buildings will inevitably experience wear and tear. That’s where maintenance and repair come in. Maintenance involves preventative measures to ensure that a structure remains in good condition, while repair is necessary when damage has already occurred. Both maintenance and repair require the use of construction materials specifically designed for their respective purposes.


Maintenance materials such as coatings, sealants, and waterproofing agents help to prevent damage and deterioration to a structure, while repair materials such as concrete repair, epoxy, and grouts help to fix structural damage that has already occurred. It’s essential to use the right materials for each task to ensure that structures remain safe, durable, and resilient over time.

By investing in both maintenance and repair, property owners can protect their investments and ensure the longevity of their structures.


Partner with Bardawil for the Best Maintenance and Repair Solutions


At Bardawil, we understand the importance of both maintenance and repair in ensuring the longevity and safety of structures. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of construction materials designed for both purposes. Our maintenance materials, including coatings, sealants, and waterproofing agents, are specifically designed to protect surfaces from UV rays, moisture, chemicals, and abrasion. Our repair materials, including concrete repair, epoxy, and grouts, are designed to fix structural damage caused by wear and tear or environmental factors.


We are committed to providing high-quality, reliable materials that are both easy to use and effective in protecting and repairing structures. Our products are backed by years of experience and expertise in the industry, and we continuously work to improve and innovate our materials to meet the evolving needs of our clients. Whether you’re a contractor, property owner, or facility manager, we have the materials you need to keep your structures in top condition. Contact us today to learn more about our maintenance and repair materials and how we can help you protect your investments for the long term.



